March 28-30, 2025
Gaithersburg, MD

Practice Tomorrow’s Standard of
Chinese Herbal Medicine, Today.

Chinese herbal medicine is insanely powerful and is underutilized by most practitioners in the West.

Mostly because there is no business, diagnostic and prescriptive model showing you how straightforward and profitable herbal medicine can be. Until now.

Save time and deliver results your patients will appreciate.
— No more hour-long diagnoses.

Build a thriving herbal pillar within your acupuncture practice.
- Increase profitability.

Pay off your student loans faster & fund your retirement.

Imagine Something Different.​..

​A patient comes in for a initial consultation and in < 15 minutes:

  • You establish great rapport immediately by knowing you can help this patient with herbal medicine;

  • You confidently and easily make an accurate diagnose and select herbal formula(s);

  • You present a complete herbal treatment plan for this patient's health concerns;

  • You set expectations of progress in a real and tangible way for optimum clarity;

  • You take payment + schedule visits out in advance;

  • You have them out the door with their custom herbal formula, ready to start feeling better.

​Every Physician Wants Confidence.

Every Patient Wants Clarity.

Welcome to Your Win-Win.

We show practitioners how to breathe and enjoy practicing herbs, get lasting and powerful patient results and make phenomenal money doing so. You can look forward to expanding your income as well as increase the flexibility of your time. Your patients can rest assured that they are on-track with their care because of the clear treatment plan and expectations you set right from the beginning of care.

Hear from students during the LIVE event!

Harmonize™️ is the ONLY system that teaches you how to make Chinese herbal medicine fast, simple, & powerful while
making an excellent living doing it.

HARMONIZE is a complete system designed to streamline herbal medicine diagnosis and treatment so you can dramatically increase patient compliance & results while boosting your clinic revenue, and freeing up your time.

➡️ Revolutionary single page herbal intake form

➡️ Streamlined pulse system (learn & master in < 1 day- for real)

➡️ Streamlined tongue system (learn and master in < 30 mins)

➡️ Streamlined pharmacy (a small handful of powerful classic formula combinations)

➡️ Confidently set patient expectations (yes, you tell them how much you expect them to improve)

➡️ Stress-free sales of herbal medicine treatment plans (so simple, so efficient)

➡️ TONS of practice. You are DOING this system the ENTIRE weekend.

Sandy added $68,000 in herb sales in 13 months after Harmonize!

March 28-30, 2025

Gaithersburg, MD


through Harmonize Connect™️ Support System


Frequently Asked Questions

    • If you are trained in Chinese herbal medicine and a licensed acupuncturist who is confused & frustrated when it comes to making herbs work AND pay really well…


    • You own your clinic (i.e. not a contractor or employee) and have decision-making power over inventory and pricing - or plan to have your own clinic very soon…

      Then this training is perfect for you!

  • Yes! In your application you will have the option to select from 3 payment options. Upon acceptance you will receive an email with payment instructions.

    1. Purchase in total.

    2. Pay over time using Shop Pay. Flexible payment options are offered at the time of checkout.

    3. You can make a non-refundable deposit of $2000 with the remaining balance ($2995) due on or before March 7, 2025.

  • If you follow the Harmonize system as we teach it you can reasonably expect a 10X return on your tuition in the first year.

  • Absolutely not! Harmonize is based on about 20 classic formulas and about 20-25 singles. That’s it! This is all stuff you already know. You may just need a quick refresher which we provide before you even attend. You’ll receive everything you need to make this system work, TONS of hands-on practice and 6 months of online support to ensure success!

  • Because Harmonize is a hands-on intensive training it cannot be reproduced in an online format. Plan accordingly to travel and meet us!

    All participants are automatically enrolled in Harmonize Connect our revolutionary 6-month back-end implementation support system that guides every step of the implementation of the Harmonize system starting immediately when you get home. There are bi-weekly implementation calls with Rebecca providing customized solutions to any problems or hurdles preventing or delaying implementation in your unique practice situation! There are also weekly office hours available so if you have any questions we are always available to sit down and chat with you! In addition, there are also ongoing pre-recorded classes being added to the custom Harmonize Connect library of resources.

Erin earned $20K from herbs only four months after attending Harmonize.


Get Ready to Excel!

What Richard Tan did for acupuncture (The 1,2,3 Method), TCM Hub has done for herbal prescribing: Simple, Effective, Empowering.

Simple: Can you take a pulse? Look at a tongue? Ask a few easy questions? Read a chart? All in under 10 minutes? It literally is that easy.

Effective: Between Rebecca, Michael, and Chris there are decades of experience to unquestionably demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach. You will see those results in the first week of using the Harmonize approach. I did!

Empowering: Struggling with herbs? Not feeling confident? Patient efficacy dwindling? This training will put you back in control. See patient healthcare increase. Watch your bottom line grow. Work smarter, not harder. Be the physician you've always dreamed of being.

I have been through years of CEU training. This is the first training event that I've participated in that I was able to implement in my clinic day 1. And forget the ROI (it is significant, however). You simple cannot afford to miss this event.

This will literally go down as a breakthrough approach in the annals of Eastern Medicine practice here in the West: it does not follow some standard of practice, it sets the standard.

Dr. Gerald L. Stolarczyk, DOM, LAc

Beth casually made $7,000 in herb sales in just 6 weeks after attending Harmonize.

Anna added over $96K in herb sales in 12 months after Harmonize!

Ashley added $30K in 12 months just in herbal sales since attending Harmonize! - Only working 20 hours per week!

So logical

Melissa Radcliffe, L.Ac.

This program is so logical and appears so simple. Taking Harmonize has increased my confidence, competence and enjoyment in my clinic. I can now look at a case, know exactly what is going on and prescribe an herbal formula that makes sense. The pulse diagnosis is on point and the business coaching creates ease in my day. My clients can feel the change and love it!

Worth it!

Ariadni Spinali, L.Ac.

Great seminar. If you're wanting to prescribe herbs with confidence this is the way to go. Best part was feeling pulses and getting confirmation that you are in-fact feeling what you think you're feeling. Also I was pleased with the business side of the training, honestly it's not what I went for but I learned a whole lot and overcame some of my own bias. Overall great and very well done.

Why aren’t you taking this herbal course?

Eileen Li, L.Ac.

I used to have a difficult time with herbal medicine. I KNEW it worked, but some formulas weren’t consistent in my pulse diagnosis. After this seminar, I learned the most practical tools and formulas to help me create a diagnosis and treatment plan in less than 10 minutes. I’ve also been testing this set up on myself and am seeing great results in just a few short days. We need Chinese herbal medicine to start adapting to a modern society and this course is the one that serves us best. You won’t regret it.

Transformed My Practice!

Rebecca Wayne Mangum, DOM, L.Ac.

The system I learned in school and endeavored to practice over the last decade was cumbersome and unrealistic, I eventually abandoned much of the pulse system, felt quite discouraged and lacked confidence in my diagnostic skills and herbal prescriptions.

Since taking Harmonize, I am confidently and effortlessly diagnosing and prescribing custom herbal formulas in as little as 15 minutes, a time frame I never even considered as possible, and have a business model that supports patient compliance!

I feel deeply grateful to the Hub team for their dedication and service to all of us and look forward to more in person learning in the future!

Sooo much value

Samantha Kloss, L.Ac.

Taking the Harmonize seminar increased my understanding and confidence in not only CM diagnosis, pulse diagnosis, and herbal medicine but also in the communication and business aspects of being a solo practitioner. Taking a class with Michael, Chris, and Rebecca is a blast and you can feel Chris’ passion with herbal medicine, Michael’s mission for bettering our education and staying true to the roots of Chinese medicine, and Rebecca’s commitment to helping us succeed in the parts of life and business that so many of us struggle with and that often aren’t talked about.
The information you leave with is extremely clinically relevant, simple and easy to implement, and will make you a better practitioner. I recommend this class to every Chinese medicine practitioner!

An excellent system to learn from experienced teachers!

Nicole Rotondi, DACM, L.Ac.

I loved the 3 days of classes.... I have not given herbs in over 20y because I was always nervous I would hurt someone. I was also never confident in pulse taking! The course truly alleviated my hesitation and because we were able to practice taking pulses so much, I gained incredible confidence.

They really made it super easy to get an herbal pharmacy started and I am finally excited to prescribe herbs.

It's never too late!!!

3 Month Look Back

Hugh Turcotte, L.Ac.

Harmonize Tampa 2023
-Increased Herbal Scripts 500% compared to the 3 Months prior to Harmonize
-Confidence in both my clinical and business models are at new levels due to being able to get PREDICTABLE RESULTS with my patients
-Access to resources (TCMHub, Network of Colleagues, etc) is shortening the learning curve wherever I decide to do a deep dive
-The streamlined yet scalable thinking process that Harmonize embodies is exactly what I needed in this first decade of my journey as a professional

I wish I had started herbal medicine this way

Tim Nicosia, L.Ac.

Harmonize is the diagnostic and herbal training I wish I had gotten in school first. Michael, Chris, and Rebecca have done an amazing job of simplifying the clinical practice of herbal medicine without the overwhelm of a firehose of information that will seldom be used. After the 3 days of training, my ability and confidence to prescribe herbs have grown exponentially. The patterns become easy to recognize and the herbs follow effortlessly. The practice exercises helped to solidify my skills. I'm finally seeing the results for my patients in the clinic that I always wanted for them. I am now confident that no matter what shows up in the clinic, I have clarity about where to start. And if I need support, it is readily available. Thank you and much appreciation to the TCM Hub crew for putting this together and the continued support within the community!

Absolutely loved it!

Kamron Jafari, DACM, L.Ac.

Hands down one of the best seminars I've taken in the last few years.
What was amazing was that it wasn't filled with tons of new knowledge - instead, it took all of the knowledge that was already there, simplified it and taught me how to use it concisely so that I can quickly and confidently prescribe herbs for my patients. I love that.

There was lots of hands on practice with the pulse-taking which I liked. There was lots of hands on practice on how to use the system in real-time, so I felt comfortable using it when I went back to my clinic.

The practitioner development section on the last day was amazing as well. I really felt like I made some mindset breakthroughs with things that were holding me back in my clinic.

All in all, worth it! Do yourself a favor and take it!

Practical and Efficient Herb Training

Evelyn Cho, RAc/RTCMP

I’m feeling so much better about prescribing herbs after this training. The TCM hub gang really delivered on their promise to streamline the entire process and reduce the mental clutter so you can efficiently arrive at a diagnosis and prescription. I was so overwhelmed with the thought of having to stock dozens of formulas that I didn’t even want to start. But now I can be up and running with a solid pharmacy of just 20-25 formulas and address most of my patient population effectively.

Michael and Chris were great diagnosis and treatment teachers. Rebecca was awesome with business and mindset coaching. And Taylor kept us laughing the whole weekend.

I’m so glad I did it, and I would definitely recommend Harmonize to other practitioners!

Highly Recommend

Jon Kukor, DTCM, AP

Since completeing the Harmonize program, I've gained significant confidence in prescribing herbs. This has led to much better outcomes for my patients, and also increased revenue for my clinic. Its also allowed me to confidently market to patients who I wouldn't have previously considered treating.

The simplicity of the material and system is key. I've taken other classes that require a lot of follow up work before it can be implemented into class. This is an immediate plug and play system.

Just do it!

Sanjana Asnani, L.Ac.

TCM Hub nailed it with Harmonize. From simplified pulse diagnosis, clearly identifying patterns, effectively prescribing herbals, to practice management – Harmonize is a complete system! The 3 days of training are very interactive, hands-on and can be immediately applied to any practice. After completing the training, I had clarity, better tools and above all more confidence.

Michael, Rebecca and Chris pack excellent experience and skill between them. What is impressive is they are very approachable and fully invested in helping practitioners grow. The training ends in 3 days but support doesn’t. I recommended Harmonize to everyone - new and seasoned practitioners alike.

Wishing I had this seminar 5 years ago!

Elizabeth Sol, L.Ac.

Even if you have no understanding of the TCM Hub approach up to this point, I feel as though the instructors have taken everything I learned in Chinese Medical school and streamlined and refined it into such a simple, usable process that I won't ever be able to go back to practicing the way I was before. I am confidently diagnosing in a fraction of the time I was before, I am confidently writing and filling custom formulas in a fraction of the time I was before, and I'm delivering this information to my patient base in such a confident, comfortable, and accessible manner that they walk out of the office in joy with their prescriptions.

I would highly recommend anyone with the opportunity to attend a Harmonize event to do so, and the sooner the better!

Quickly and confidently presrcibe herbs

Emily Rea, L.Ac.

Before Harmonize I was confident in my pulse taking but I could not transfer that into quickly and confidently prescribing an herbal formula. I would spend way too much time looking at my books, getting more and more confused. In the two weeks since Harmonize I have written 6-8 herbal formulas a day, usually in about 5-10 minute. I don't second guess myself and my clinic day are much smoother and more enjoyable. So glad I went to Harmonize!

Game changer! Highly recommend!

Julie Allison, L.Ac.

I've been to many seminars and Harmonize is by far one of my favorites!

Firstly, the amount of information that is condensed into such a streamlined approach to pattern diagnosis and herbal prescription is mind boggling. I'm so impressed with how much work and effort Michael, Chris and Rebecca put into creating such a unique system that is simple, efficient and powerfully effective. On days 1& 2 you'll streamline your pulse & tongue diagnosis with Michael & Chris, and then really hone in on what patterns are indicated and what formulas are appropriate in each case. And then day 3 ties it all together with practical information and guidance from Rebecca regarding how to implement the system into your practice and business model.

Secondly, the organization and delivery of the information was such that it was not only educational, but fun, engaging and inspiring. Not a second was wasted on fluff or unnecessary information, everything presented was done so for a specific reason. And so much hands on practice! As a result, I feel completely prepared and confident to start using the Harmonize system right away.

Lastly, the care with which Michael, Chris and Rebecca shared their knowledge left me with a deep respect for their accomplishment in what they've created with Harmonize. They are giving so much to our profession individually and as a cohesive team so that we can all become better doctors with better skills.

To sum it up, sign up for this course! You won't regret it!

Harmonize - The course you are looking for!

Claire Truss, Acupuncturist (UK)

Harmonize is the course I’d been looking for.

Streamlined intake, pulse & tongue, leading to a clear diagnosis and prescription. Simplified & logical. Plenty of practice with feedback and by the end of the 3 days going from intake to prescription in under 15 mins, repeatedly.

With their desire to keep things simple, years of experience, passion to share knowledge and for us to succeed, I highly recommend Harmonize.

Practice-Changing Course!!

Emily Mammone, DOM, L.Ac.

This course was genuinely everything I had been searching for in order to confidently implement herbal formulas into my practice. The information was organized, easy to understand, easy to implement, and very eye opening as well. It had a large focus on the modern patient which is so realistic to what we see in our clinics today. Michael, Rebecca & Chris were all so so helpful, patient, kind and most important - super knowledgeable on what they were teaching. It was obvious that they put so much time and effort into the course - it was organized and well thought out from day 1 to day 3. I immediately joined TCM Hub Community after I left. Also - they all have great energy, are easy to talk to and very approachable. A must take if you want to start confidently implementing herbs (which we all should b/c herbs are such an incredible and powerful part of our medicine). Thank you again, I absolutely loved it and had such a great time!

You can’t afford NOT to go!

Ashley Sidell, AP

This training and experience was exactly what I and my practice needed. I looked for a long time for a system that felt right, was streamlined, and helped me to get the results my patients deserved. I feel so much more confident in my pulse and tongue diagnostics, and how to communicate effectively to my patients. My first day back to clinic I was able to use the skills to get a new Herbal patient! Not only was the class a great experience, the entire event was FUN! I could go on and on, but if you’re reading these reviews, you likely already know you should do it! Let’s grow this community of EFFECTIVE herbal physicians!

You know that you have a gift that you aren’t putting out into the world. You know that prioritizing your herbal medicine practice will deliver life-changing transformations that you can’t get with acupuncture alone.

You know that it’s sketchy to rely on only acupuncture. All it takes is a rolled ankle, broken bone, or a global pandemic that will take your only revenue stream away. You don’t want your business to be vulnerable anymore. 

You know that Harmonize is the ONLY training out there that teaches you how to make herbal medicine work from a clinical AND business standpoint. You wouldn’t still be reading if you didn’t know this all to be true.

You’re One Decision Away.

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